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Adrianna Fudalewska

Logistic manager - Nolato Stargard.


Adrianna Fudalewska - Logistic manager at Nolato Stargard in Poland

My adventure with the company began in 2008 as “Quality control assistant". I mainly dealt with washing and packing prostheses. In December 2008, I started training in the company from which we transferred one of the productions. When the construction of our first CR was completed in February 2009, I moved to the position of "CR Employee" and worked there for a year on the transferred production.

In the spring of 2010, the then Logistics Manager offered me a job in his department as "Logistics Department Employee". Logistics turned out to be my new passion, an opportunity to expand my knowledge and develop (from a warehouse worker to a manager). Initially, I dealt with the release of components, production related items, filling in warehouse files, etc. the Logistics Department managers changed, and I was promoted to the position of "Logistician", and then "Logistics specialist". While in this position, I started studies at the Maritime University in the field of Enterprise Logistics. Graduating with the title of an engineer allowed me to be promoted to the position of "Logistics Manager".

Adrianna Fudalewska - Logistic Manager at Nolato Stargard Poland