Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2025

Nolato's AGM 2025 will be helt May 6 at 03:00 PM CET in Grevie, Sweden. 

Shareholders who wish to have a matter considered at the Annual General Meeting must submit a written proposal by email to: [email protected] or by mail to the Company Secretary, Per-Ola Holmström CFO, Nolato AB, Nolatovägen 32, 26978  Torekov, Sweden, no later than seven weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting to ensure that the matter can be included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting. Further information on how and when registration will take place will be published before the Annual General Meeting.

Nomination Committee

In accordance with a decision at Nolato’s AGM on May 6, 2024, the largest shareholders in terms of the number of votes at the end of September 2024 have appointed the following individuals as members of Nolato’s Nomination Committee ahead of the 2025 AGM: Henrik Jorlén, chairman (Jorlén family), Gun Boström (Bostrom family), Lovisa Hamrin (Hamrin family), Anna Magnusson (First AP Fund AP1) and Katarina Hammar (Nordea Funds). 

Shareholders who would like to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can contact the chairman of the Nomination Committee, Henrik Jorlén, by email at [email protected] or by mail at Kommendörsgatan 4, 269 77 Torekov, Sweden.

Annual General Meeting 2024

Nolato today, on 6 May 2024, held its Annual General Meeting. The meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals of the Board and the Nomination Committee.


The meeting resolved on a dividend of SEK 1.50 per share. The record date for the dividend is 8 May 2024. Payment of the dividend is expected to be made on 14 May 2024 through Euroclear.

The Board and the auditor

The meeting resolved on re-election of the Board members Fredrik Arp, Carina van den Berg, Tomas Blomquist, Sven Boström, Lovisa Hamrin, Åsa Hedin and Erik Lynge-Jorlén and new election of Klas Forsström as ordinary Board members until the next Annual General Meeting. Fredrik Arp was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.  

The registered auditing firm Ernst & Young Aktiebolag was re-elected as auditor, with authorized public accountant Joakim Falck as principal auditor.

The meeting further resolved on fees for board work and committee work in accordance with the Nomination Committee´s proposal, and that the auditor´s fee shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.


The meeting resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the Company and the Group for the 2023 financial year. The meeting also resolved to discharge the members of the Board and the CEO from liability for their management of the Company´s affairs during the 2023 financial year.

The meeting resolved to approve the remuneration report.

The meeting resolved to authorize the Board – on one or more occasions and for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting – to resolve on new issue of class B shares


See and hear the President’s address to the Annual General Meeting 2024

Nolato’s President and CEO talks about Nolato today and tomorrow in this address to the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The speech is in Swedish. For those of you who are not completely comfortable with Swedish, please download the translation below.

The speech script translated to English




Annual General Meeting 2023

Information from Annual General Meeting 2023

Nolato today, on 3 May 2023, held its Annual General Meeting. The meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals of the Board and the Nomination Committee.


The meeting resolved on a dividend of SEK 1.90 per share. The record date for the dividend is 5 May 2023. Payment of the dividend is expected to be made on 10 May 2023 through Euroclear.

The Board and the auditor

The meeting resolved on re-election of the Board members Fredrik Arp, Carina van den Berg, Tomas Blomquist, Sven Boström, Lovisa Hamrin, Åsa Hedin, Erik Lynge-Jorlén and Lars-Åke Rydh as ordinary Board members until the next Annual General Meeting. Fredrik Arp was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

The registered auditing firm Ernst & Young Aktiebolag was re-elected as auditor, with authorized public accountant Joakim Falck as principal auditor.

The meeting further resolved on fees for board work and committee work in accordance with the Nomination Committee´s proposal, and that the auditor´s fee shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.


The meeting resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the Company and the Group for the 2022 financial year. The meeting also resolved to discharge the members of the Board and the CEO from liability for their management of the Company´s affairs during the 2022 financial year.

The meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for compensation of senior executives proposed by the Board, and to approve the remuneration report.

The meeting resolved to authorize the Board – on one or more occasions and for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting – to resolve on new issue of class B shares.

Information from Nolato’s AGM 2022 

Nolato AB (publ) today, on 3 May 2022, held its Annual General Meeting. The meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals of the Board and the Nomination Committee.


The meeting resolved on a dividend of SEK 1.90 per share. The record date for the dividend is 5 May 2022. Payment of the dividend is expected to be made on 10 May 2022 through Euroclear.

The Board and the auditor

The meeting resolved on re-election of the Board members Fredrik Arp, Tomas Blomquist, Sven Boström, Lovisa Hamrin, Åsa Hedin, Erik Lynge-Jorlén and Lars-Åke Rydh and new election of Carina van den Berg as ordinary Board members until the next Annual General Meeting. Fredrik Arp was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.  

The registered auditing firm Ernst & Young Aktiebolag was re-elected as auditor, with authorized public accountant Joakim Falck as principal auditor.

The meeting further resolved on fees for board work and committee work in accordance with the Nomination Committee´s proposal, and that the auditor´s fee shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.

Incentive program

The meeting resolved to implement an incentive program to current and future senior executives in the Company and, where applicable, its subsidiaries in the form of warrants. In short, the incentive program entails an issue of not more than 7,980,000 warrants to a subsidiary wholly owned by the Company for transfer to current and future senior executives in the Company or other Group companies. 

The warrants shall be divided into equal parts into three different series, Series 2022/2026, Series 2023/2027 and Series 2024/2028. Each warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one new class B share in the Company. The time for exercising the warrants shall be during the period from 15 December 2025 until and including 15 June 2026 for warrants of Series 2022/2026, from 15 December 2026 until and including 15 June 2027 for warrants of Series 2023/2027 and from 15 December 2027 until and including 15 June 2028 for warrants of Series 2024/2028.


The meeting resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the Company and the Group for the 2021 financial year. The meeting also resolved to discharge the members of the Board and the CEO from liability for their management of the Company´s affairs during the 2021 financial year.

The meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for compensation of senior executives proposed by the Board, and to approve the remuneration report.

The meeting resolved to authorize the Board – on one or more occasions and for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting – to resolve on new issue of class B shares.

The complete proposals are available on There you will also find the CEO´s recorded address to the meeting.


Information on the Nolato 2021 AGM

Nolato held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 4 May 2021 by postal vote in accordance with the temporary legislation on AGMs. The AGM approved all proposals made by the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee.


The AGM approved a dividend of SEK 16 per share. The record date is May 6, 2021. The dividend is expected to be disbursed by Euroclear on May 11, 2021.

The Board of Directors:

The AGM approved the re-election of Board members Fredrik Arp, Sven Boström-Svensson, Lovisa Hamrin, Åsa Hedin, Erik Lynge-Jorlén and Lars-Åke Rydh and the election of Tomas Blomquist as a new ordinary Board member until the next AGM. Jenny Sjödahl did not stand for re-election. Fredrik Arp was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. 


Registered auditing firm Ernst & Young AB was appointed auditor until the end of the 2022 AGM, with authorized public accountant Joakim Falck as principal auditor.

Discharge from liability:

The meeting discharged the members of the Board and the President and CEO from liability for the 2020 financial year.


The AGM resolved to establish updated guidelines on setting the pay and other remuneration of Board members and members of company management, and also approved the remuneration report.

Share split:

To make trading in the company’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm easier, the AGM approved a share split, whereby each share, irrespective of class, will be divided into 10 shares of the same class. The record date for the share split was set as May 14, 2021, although the Board was authorized to set a new record date if this proves to be necessary for administrative reasons.

Authorization of new share issue:

The AGM authorized the Board, for one or more occasions for the period until the end of the next AGM, to decide to issue new B class shares, although no more than 10 percent of the total number of shares in the company adjusted for the share split. It will be possible to issue such new shares with or without deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights, for a cash payment or through payment in kind or set-off. The purpose of the authorization is to allow the company greater financial flexibility and increase the Board’s room for maneuver. In the event of deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights, the purpose of the issue must be to raise capital in connection with corporate acquisitions, or to enable shares to be used as payment for such acquisitions. Should such deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights occur, the issue must be implemented on market terms.