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Reducing production related emissions

We at Nolato are committed to reducing the harmful emissions created by our factories. Our sustainability work is in alignment with the United Nations sustainable development agenda. These goals are guidelines for all our work with the purpose of creating a more sustainable future. We have made investments, changes, and commitments, to achieve them, like increasing the use of green energy in our factories. Read more about it here. Although the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our factories is multifaceted, there is an immense opportunity to tackle the issue in several different ways, by, for example, investing in new innovative technologies and signing up to the energy management system ISO 50001.

Cleaning gas emissions at Nolato Beijing

The Nolato factory in Beijing has achieved an important step in the fight against emissions, more specifically the adverse health effects created by volatile organic compounds produced in our factories. We are very proud to have installed the first VOC incinerator in the Beijing development area, with an investment of  13 million RMB in 2013. Although there were no laws or regulations regarding volatile organic compounds within our industry area at that time, we see it as our own  responsibility to fight our emissions while simultaneously creating a safe work environment. Therefore we managed to upgrade the incinerator in 2020-09. By design efficiency, we can see that 98% of the volatile organic compounds are eliminated in the VOC incinerator.

Factory - Nolato Beijing

ISO 50001 at Nolato Jaycare

We at Nolato want to do more than what is demanded of us. At our UK affiliate Nolato Jaycare we have taken on some serious commitments in order to minimize energy consumption. Our Nolato affiliate has challenged itself by taking part in ISO 50001 and other energy management systems. The energy management standard pressures us to continuously reduce energy consumption and help us achieve our sustainability target of a 17 percent improvement in energy use for our target period. Today, ISO 50001 is in place and we currently get audited on the results we deliver. Although the auditing process creates risks, forcing us to publish our results, it pressures us to deliver on our sustainability goals. Therefore we are very pleased to say that with the deadline yet to come, we have made an 18.1 percent improvement in energy use. We see this as a great result as we are ahead of our target.

In summary

We at Nolato are pushing ourselves, guided by the Nolato Spirit, and we always look for where we can make the biggest impact and improvement. Read more about the Nolato Spirit here. To contribute to improved air quality, by cutting emissions to the atmosphere is a key feature in our Chinese sustainability work. Likewise, reducing energy consumption in the UK is critical, and the ISO 50001 guides us in our endeavor of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.


  • Sustainability
  • Nolato

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